“Enhancing UEFI Boot, DirectX Support, and NT6+ API Preparation: The Latest Updates on ReactOS, the Open-Source Windows Alternative – A Review by Phoronix”

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ReactOS Continues to Make Great Strides in Compatibility with Windows Operating Systems
In their latest newsletter, the ReactOS project reveals their impressive progress in recent months towards achieving binary compatibility with Windows device drivers and software. This 22-year-old open-source project is dedicated to providing a free operating system that can run Windows Server 2003 and newer versions of Microsoft Windows. While the release date for ReactOS 0.4.15 is still uncertain, the team is tirelessly working towards their goal.
Some of the latest achievements include significant improvements to kernel debugging, further advancements in UEFI boot capabilities, enhanced user interface and shell features, and continued efforts to support Microsoft DirectX. There is also ongoing work focused on enhancing compatibility with NT6+ applications, which translates to better support for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, and 11 software. Please note, the NT6+ compatibility is still in its experimental stage.
In case you missed it, ReactOS is also working on streamlining their GUI setup process and has successfully booted on the Valve Steam Deck as part of their hardware compatibility improvements. While most of the development and testing is done within virtual machines, the project shared a captivating screenshot in their newsletter to showcase the latest shell enhancements.
For more information on the ReactOS project and their ongoing development, check out their latest newsletter, #103. With their continued hard work and dedication, the day when a free software OS can seamlessly run Windows applications is drawing closer.

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiM2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnBob3Jvbml4LmNvbS9uZXdzL1JlYWN0T1MtTm92ZW1iZXItMjAyM9IBAA?oc=5

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